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Announcing our new CEO

AAV's new CEO is Joshua Pether!

Joshua Pether
Today Arts Access Victoria announces internationally renowned artist Joshua Pether as the organisation’s new CEO.

Joshua Pether is of Kalkadoon heritage and is an experimental performance artist, dancer and choreographer, recently based in Noongar country in Western Australia. His performance practice is influenced by his two cultural histories- Indigeneity and Disability.

“Joshua Pether is a brilliant artist and leader who has worked alongside AAV through the years as we campaign for systemic change in the sector. Joshua was a Foundation Artist of the Alter State Festival, AAV’s partnership with Arts Centre Melbourne, and has been a public voice and representative for Disabled artists for many years. The Board are pleased to welcome Joshua into the role of AAV CEO.” – Said Nic Vogelpoel, Chair Arts Access Victoria Board.

“I could not be more thrilled to welcome Joshua Pether to the role of CEO of Arts Access Victoria. Joshua brings deep knowledge of the sector and is an experienced and respected leader.  I am honoured to leave AAV in the stewardship of such a dynamic individual who has great plans for the future.” – Says outgoing Arts Access Victoria CEO and Artistic Director Caroline Bowditch.

“I look to this next venture in my artistic career with a sense of both exhilaration and trepidation. As I step into this role I am reminded of the phrase ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’ and the tremendous impact Caroline has had on this sector and as the CEO of AAV. I am also reminded of the fact that I will be the first Indigenous person to be given this role where historically this industry has been mainly very eurocentric and focused. As AAV celebrates its 50th year, I look towards a vision where we can dream of an Australian arts landscape that incorporates disability into every aspect of the arts and that we build a community of artists that become self-determined in every aspect of their arts practice and work. I ask the Victorian Disability Arts community to come with me on this journey as we look towards a future and vision beyond that of which is possible.” Says Joshua Pether.

Joshua Pether will relocate to Naarm, Melbourne, to commence the role in June.

Caroline Bowditch finishes in July. Join them at the AAV 50th birthday celebration and exhibition, The Collective.

Welcome Joshua Pether!
